ThE VOicE oF mY HeArT

Writing is another way to express your self.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Dream

I have always dreamed of seeing the sun
Even in times of rain and thunder storms
But why can't I see it now?
My world is engulf with dark clouds,
Roaring thunder god and blinding lightning.

I have always dreamed of seeing smiles
Even in times of troubles, fears and doubts
but why do I see sadness and hatred?
My world is embraced with bickering,
Bitter words and endless curses.

I have always dreamed of being the best
In something that I could call my own
To severe that chain connecting to insecurities
but why do I feel anxious if this is right or wrong?
I am torn down better a daughter and my dream
Am I being selfish in chasing it?

Will God hate me if I  whine once in a while?
My heart feels heavy and my tears overflow
Will He abandon me if I play a little tantrum?
My mind is blank and my soul's tired
Will He forgive if did all that?

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